Thursday, November 14, 2013

I'm back!!!

**Merry Meet**

Wow. So I've seen how long its been since I lasted posted on here. Things have been pretty hectic for me so I have strayed away from my blog. I'm (sadly) still pregnant lol and so close to having this girl. But most of my life has sorted itself out which has freed up my time a little bit. I know on my last post I said I was starting completely over in my studies. And I've recently been able to start it up again. So far I'm sticking to taking notes while I read through all of my books.

Once I've read through all the books I currently have I'm going to organize my notes into the correct category and start working on making my B.O.S. I've got a decent little list going and plan on using a 3 ring binder as my book seeing as it gives me the option to add, subtract, or shuffle around my notes and whatnot.

In my personal life: We had to set the wedding date back due to financial complications at the time. I'm getting hitched in January of 2014 and I can't wait :) Things are slowly starting to come together and I'm so excited to be back on the blogging scene lol.

I hope to start back on my pagan postings and have little information tidbits to share with you all.

Hopefully the next time you hear from me I'll have had this baby!!!!

Have a super day!!

**Blessed Be**

Monday, August 12, 2013

Starting fresh

**Merry Meet**

Well lately things have calmed down for me as far as being pregnant and wedding planning. Thank Goodness!!!!! But seeing as they have calmed somewhat I think I may now have time to focus on my spirituality more. I'm just going to completely wipe everything I've read so far and just start over from scratch.

I'm hoping to find a teacher that could help me. Someone I'd trust and won't spew bogus random nonsense at me. In the meantime I'm going to read and read and then read some more!!!! I have a small somewhat decent collection of books and I'm going to start reading them again just as soon as I can.

In other news I just ordered my wedding invitations!!! I'm so very happy about this and its got the color I wanted. I'm a little behind on the invitations but I thankfully can hand deliver most of the invitations. Saves me on stamps! LOL. Also the pregnancy is going really good as well :) Little girl is coming along just fine and her daddy got to feel her kicking :D

Well I hope to start posting about all my witchy learning's as the happen so make sure to continue following this blog  ;) And have a good week!

**Bright Blessings**

Monday, July 29, 2013


**Merry Meet**

So things for me are slowing down quite a bit. I have come to a complete halt on wedding planning which isn't such a good thing seeing as how close October is... My novel is slow right now because I'm too pre- occupied getting my house ready for the arrival of the new baby and also trying to reign in my two year old. Neither of which is easy lol.

As for spirituality, that is at a dead stop right now and has been for some time. Since I discovered that I was pregnant. I haven't done much spiritually and its kinda leading me in a down-spiral right now :( I hope things can return to normal after the baby is born, although it may be awhile before it does... I've been wondering if I'd still be more spiritually active if I had stayed in my coven... But there is no way to know for sure.

My business I had hoped to start never took off and I think that's maybe for the best, I mean so far my passion has been writing and I've been trying my damnedest to keep at it and so far have accomplished that :)

For those of you interested in my writing blog let me know and I will be sure to post it next time.

Hope you all have been having a good summer!!!

**Bright Blessings**

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Flowers and Girl

**Merry Meet**

Well I'm happy to announce that I'm going to be having an adorable baby girl!!!!!! My fiancé and I are extremely thrilled :). My lil boy is going to wind up being a very protective brother lol. We have decided to decorate the room half and half. They will have to share a room until we can add on to our house.

Another plus is I got ALL of the bouquet stuff taken care of. Have all of the stuff needed for both myself and my bridesmaids!!! We already have our venue and due to an amazing friend we are getting it totally free. I'm very happy with everything that is happening right now.

My son is going to start his pre-school next month which gives me more free time. I'm hoping to either continue school, or get a part-time job. Maybe try to re-start my business if I'm able to. I have a few hobbies that I'd like to turn into something more. Photography is one. I want to try my hand at writing. I've written a few poems and actually got some constructive criticism from a high school teacher a few years back. I might eventually try to write a book, although I'm not sure what I would want to write about....

If any of you following this are writers, maybe give me some tips??? I'd really appreciate it :D

Well that's all for now folks!!!! Hope you are having a good week.

**Bright Blessings**

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Big News!

**Merry Meet**

So a lot has gone on since I last wrote on here. My decision to start my own business isn't going to well. Haven't had much of a chance to really get it started. Turns out being pregnant requires my full attention lol. I actually feel kind of weird that I haven't put forth much effort on my path since I've been pregnant. Well that and having to constantly clean due to having a toddler doesn't help either...

In more recent news.... I'm getting MARRIED!!!!! My fiancé and I decided we want to be married before the baby arrives. And for many other reasons... We are getting married THIS October!! It's going to be a small wedding with maybe 100 guests... And most of it is DIY projects. So I'll be posting quite a few wedding posts for a little while lol.

I just picked up bouquets for my bridesmaids, they are fake flowers because its cheaper that way and at least they have a memento from the wedding :) I'm finishing buying flowers tomorrow. Gotta love half off sales!!!! Its turning out to be a pretty good week for me. I FINALLY got to get out to stores and found the items I need, and tomorrow I go in to hopefully find out if I'm having a girl or a boy.

The real fun part is going to try to find a dress that I can wear in October cause I'm going to be 8 months pregnant lol.

Hope everyone is having a super awesome week!!!!

**Bright Blessings**

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Starting my own business?

**Merry Meet**

Hello all my witchies who read this!!!!! :D I'm happy to say I'm almost done with my 1st trimester of pregnancy! Thank goodness lol, so tired of feeling nauseous all the time... But anyway I managed to get my first batch of orange scented oil bottled, and am currently working on my second batch right now.

Anyway the whole point of this post is I've been giving some thought to starting my own business, which would most likely just be an online thing. I've had this idea for a few years and am just now able to act on it. I hope to sell things I make myself and I hope for it to be geared towards my fellow pagans and really anyone that takes an interest in it. I hope to get it started very soon and hope that it takes off really well. For me, doing this has a lot of advantages. It allows me to continue to be a stay at home mother while still helping bring in some income. And I like the added perks of helping out all of my fellow pagans!!!!

Well that's all for now, hope you all have an amazing day!!!!!

**Merry Part**

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Too Long

**Merry Meet**

Well I would like to start off apologizing to everyone for how inactive I have been over the past month :( I feel super crappy about it. A lot has been going on for me and for awhile there I couldn't remember my damn password for here lol.

I'd like to start off saying my pregnancy is going pretty good so far :) just trying to battle the nausea, and so far its definitely been a battle lol. I'm not as far as I had originally thought. I'm almost into week 10. Managed to get an ultrasound picture of my little peanut :D On a not so happy note, I decided to go solitary for awhile. It's not that I wasn't happy with my coven, I just have so much going on that I never made meetings and such. It was my decision to leave, but I think its for the best for now.

I'm currently battling my house to get and keep it clean lol XD. So far I'm the one kicking ass and I plan on keeping it that way!!!

Well that's all I have for now, hope my readers/followers are enjoying my posts and I hope to post more soon. And remember, you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook ;D

Love you all!!!!

**Merry Part**